Designed for the operating conditions in Russia

  • centralized heat supply
  • tap water heating
  • swimming pool water heating
  • heat recuperating (engine cooling)
  • fish rearing water temperature control
  • steel industry – furnace cooling
  • power industry – cooling and heating in the technological procedures
  • chemical industry – cooling in the technological procedures
Model designation ПТР У3 ПТР У6 ПТР У10 ПТР У15 ПТР У20 ПТР У25 ПТР У30
Hight, HH (mm) 480 920 1084 1885 2150 2595 2920
Width, W (mm) 180 320 470 650 750 920 1190
Min standard length, L (mm) 400 500 700 1150 1250 1550 1650
Max standard length, L (mm) 650 1500 2300 2050 3350 3350 5200
Vertical distance between holes, H1 (mm) 357 640 719 1294 1478 1939 1842
Horizontal distance between holes, W1 (mm) 60 140 225 298 353 439 596
Max temperature (ºC) 180 180 180 180 180 180 180
Max pressure (at) 10/16 10/16 10/16 10/16 10/16 10/16 10/16
Pipe connection size Труба 1 1/4'' DN 50/2'' DN 100/4'' DN 150/6'' DN 200/8'' DN 200/
DN 250/8''/10''
DN 300/
DN 350/12''/14''
Max consumption (kg/s) 4 16 50 80 225 250 497

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